Walking your way back home













‘The Vak Charita arrives at this time for you to know that walking the path to god is your final journey in this incarnation. As you start walking towards god you begin to gather aspects of you that you discarded on your journey away. What you pick back is vital.

The first thing you pick up is your soul memory. When you gather that back in you, it becomes your guide and gives you the cue to the next step. Remembrance fills you and fuels your longing. The next thing that pours back into your heart is your burning longing for home. Your heart’s longing will reveal to you what it is that you have been missing. As your journey intensifies, it will uncover for you how your forgetting created your separation from home, causing you to stray away. You will know the way back home. A golden shining path will appear before you, and when you take your first step on your path, you will feel a deep sense of the rightness and appropriateness of walking on it. As you take your second step, a sense of peace and tranquillity will begin to descend. As you continue, you become free of distractions and confusions that had haunted you for so long.

The deep peace will begin to transform into a strange new excitement. You will savour a sweet and intense energy. It will work within you to hasten and accelerate your progress. You will start moving very quickly towards the centre of the great design of your life. By now, you already understand the magic posts that await you on your path and you know that more and more gifts await you as you walk.’

Rishi Jamadagni channelled by Sukhvinder Sircar

True action is birthed from restfulness

eagle and bat

‘Vak Charita is a treatise that doubles your speed of transition into the new world. When one attains ‘nirvana’ or ‘Buddhahood’ the way you understand it, it leads one to a place of placidity. Look at placid waters. Nothing to do, nowhere to go. A being who is like placid water is at complete rest. Every crystal cell in placid water is peaceful. This placidity creates a harmony in the entire body of water that transcends time and action. Likewise, when one steps into a blissful state, every cell of the body experiences bliss . The harmony is a whole body experience at all levels. When that happens the being is ready to transition into a new place.

In this new level, one practices recognising of a force that begins to arise from the absolute stillness of tranquillity.  This will take the being again into the cycle of action. Yet, this action will be so restful, so peaceful, so fitting into the scheme of things, so perfectly ‘that which needs to be done’, that it will be almost imperceptible.

And that is how action will be in the new world. Always effortless, and many times even invisible. Not noisy and attention seeking. Sometimes it will be like a graceful sweep of an eagle, sometimes like a yogi meditating beside a river and sometimes like a frog sunning itself on a rock, occasionally jumping into the water. When action is birthed in restfulness, you will feel the universe carrying you. This will happen spontaneously when you begin to return into your original nature. The nature you inhabit now is an artificial one. Back to restfulness is the way forward. To get there you may need to ignore many disturbances that arise inside of you urging action. Most of the time, they arise from an anxious state. Always ask your self ‘is this action absolutely vital for my existence right now? ‘


Sapta Rishi Jamadagni channelled by Sukhvinder Sircar

Transcendence & Purity
















“The time now is one of transcendence. We usually think of the word transcendence as moving from one place to another, going higher, moving beyond. What if I told you that transcendence means existing even more in the place  you already are, in great peace, great acceptance, great relaxation. It’s not about going someplace, its more about dropping anything that takes you away from that exact spot where you are, that’s telling you ‘move from here, you have to go somewhere else.’

What if transcendence is actually a shedding of everything to find that rich luscious inner core. If you understand transcendence as a continuous upward movement you may get tired, dismayed and disappointed at times. I invite you today to sit more fully in the space that you are, to claim more fully who you are in this moment. If you find turbulence, so it is. If you find judgement, then so it is. If you find peace, then so it is. If you find love, then so it is.

Ultimately it does not matter what you are experience, what matters is the purity with which you accept it. You bring purity by owning every moment, just as it is. Can you sit in this transcendent reality today.”

Sapta Rishi Jamadagni channelled by Sukhvinder Sircar